"In 1975, two young Harvard students named Bill Gates and Paul Allen heard that the first personal computer was in development."[1] Bill Gates wrote a BASIC implementation which ran in 4K of memory for the Altair computer by MITS corp.
I purchased this USING QUICKBASIC 4 book back in 1989 from Micro-Center for twenty dollars[2].
Clearly, the book is very worn out. It was heavily used during the development of several custom business software programs developed during the mid 1990s. These programs ran under MS-DOS 6.2 and were so stable that they were used by multiple business entities from 1996 to 2009.
[1] an excerpt from page 11 of the Using QuickBASIC 4 book by QUE, ISBN 0-88022-378-2.
[2] Copyright materials posted in this blog under the "Fair Use Doctrine" of USC Title 17.
Wonder if Bill Gates wrote any of the QuickBASIC compiler software.